It's hard to find a friend. It's hard to find a friend. -Tom Petty


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fever, please go away. :O

Hello world, okay I won't make this long and agonizing. Just a short and sweet one. PROMISE :)
Aku dah demam like for more than a week, dan aku rasa macam nak mati menaggung demam ni. Ya Allah, bukan tak pernah demam sebelum ni, but this time is like it's killing me slowly. I've been coughing for more than a week also. Oh yeah, I have a hilarious story behind this. I'll make it brief. My dad called me. He insisted on me going to see the doctor which he knows that is the last thing that I would do in my life. Yet, he forced me. This was what he said.

Dad : Putra, I want you to go to the clinic and show me the receipts.
Me : Sure dad.
Dad : And yeah, I want to talk to the doctor too.
Me : -__-

So what I did was, I had my friend to disguise as the doctor. Sorry papa, I had to do so. You know how much I loathe doctors.

Okay till later ppl bye!

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